Monday, January 26, 2009

NHD Reflection .

For my NHD 2008-2009 project, I did a performance Bessie Smith. I worked in a group with Georgia Mink, Kameko Daniel & Lashay Anderson. At first, I was scared to do it, but once we started to put our script together I got more and more excited. In our thesis statement, we discussed how Bessie had to deal with racism, sexism and segregation throughout her life. Somehow, Bessie was able to overcome these obstacles and became one of the highest paid African American artists of her time.

During this project, there were a lot of difficulties. Some difficulties were getting everybody in the group to do there part. Our original group was Lashay, Kameko, Georgia, Shaquetta and I but by the time our project was due, we kicked Shaquetta out. Also, the hard part was having to revise our script when we felt as though it was perfect. I guess it all paid off though. Aside from difficulties, there were a lot of fun and easy parts. For instance, the acting part and typing up everything. The process paper was also very easy. We have Ackerman and Ms. Gold to thank for the finishing touches on our project.

I've been doing NHD for two years now. I feel as though, this year I did way better than I did last year. This is so because, last year I got a "B" on my paper and this year i got an "A" on my performance. Also, this year I made it to the city competition where as last year I didn't even present to the judges. If I had to do anything over, I would include myself in the script more.