Friday, January 4, 2008

Should Huck Finn Be Taught at CHS ?

Huckleberry Finn is a very good story but at the same time a very debatable topic. Some people may say “Oh Huckleberry Finn is such a bad book, why are you reading this?” When I think about it, I totally disagree with them. Okay, they may cus a couple of times and say some out of pocket things but hey, it’s just a book! Huckleberry Finn is a good book and it should be taught a CHS high school. The reason I feel this way is for several reasons.

First of all, Huckleberry Finn should be taught because it is very educational. My reason, because it teaches you about how orphans were taught and treated in the past. Orphans were taught by their adopted parents. However their adopted parents were brought up, was how the orphans were brought up. Huckleberry Finn just so happened to be one of the lucky ones. Although his adopted parent, Ms. Watson was not the nicest person, she was very well-mannered and intollereable. She kept Huckleberry Finn on track. To read more about this, visit chapter 8 in the book.

The second reason why I believe it should be taught is because it teaches you about how things have changed throughout time. Back then, people owned slaves. They treated them pretty poorly so it kind of makes you think about how good we have it. Now a days people have maids and butlers. Also, they have a choice as to whether they want to work for someone else, and they get a pretty reasonable salary, unlike slaves. In chp. 4 of the book, Ms. Watson referred to Jim the slave as “Big Nigga Jim.” HOW RUDE!

My final reason as to why Huckleberry Finn should be taught is because it shows us students how thankful we should be to have a school to go to and learn. Jim had to teach himself how to read and write, but it still was incorrect. At least we have a school to go to and learn how to speak proper English. In chp. 8 in the book, Jim was having a conversation with Huck Finn and says: “Well dey’s reasons. But you wouldn’t tell me ef I ‘uz to tell you, would you Huck?” Wow, what does that mean?

In conclusion, Huck Finn should be taught in schools because it is a good book. And you shouldn’t judge a book by what you hear about. People can learn in many different ways and I feel that students at CHS can learn from Huck Finn.

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