Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Con Speech On The Death Penalty

Hello, my name is Ashante Richards and I will be representing the cons side. As me being a con and against the death penalty, of course I’m going to have to have a few reasons as to why I feel the death penalty should be banned and that it is a violation of our 8th amendment rights. Me first reason as for why I believe the death penalty should be banned is because it is barbaric and violates the “cruel and unjust” clause in the Bill of Rights also known as the 8th amendment. A prime example of how the death penalty is cruel and unjust is because it is a jolt of between 500 and 2,000 volts, which lasts about 30 seconds, and is released into the body. The prisoner’s hands often grip the chair and there may be a violent movement of the limbs, which can result in dislocation and/or fractures. The tissues swell. Steam and smoke rises and there is a smell of burning. The convict’s eyeballs melt on the cheeks. The murderer often defecates, urinates, and vomits blood and drool. The body turns bright red as its temperature rises, and the criminal’s flesh swells. The skin stretches to the point of breaking. Sometimes the offender catches fire. Finally there’s a loud sound, like bacon frying, and the sickly smell of flesh fills the chamber. The second reason as to why I believe the death penalty should be banned is because life in prison is a worse punishment and a more effective deterrent. For example, the death penalty lasts for 30 seconds as for life in prison is a lifetime full of torture. I mean who wants to spend their life locked up behind bars eating little commissary lunches? Why do you think people try to commit suicide in prison? Because its torture. And the final reason as to why I believe the death penalty should be banned because revenge is not a form of justice. For example, The Birmingham news had an article written by Wilton H. Bunch, which spoke about why courts should seek justice and not revenge. > A murder is a crime against the state; in the legal sense, it is not a crime against a family. The trial is labeled, "The State of Alabama vs. John Smith," not, "The Family of Susie Jones, vs. John Smith." The family is not involved in the administration of justice. Justice is a function of the state. Also, > Jesus taught his followers should be involved with prisons, but in the role of caring for and easing the pain of those who were incarcerated. I find no place where he urged his disciples to give way to their feelings of hatred, anger and the desire for revenge. On the contrary, he commanded them to be meek, he desired them to be peacemakers, and he urged mercy. He quotes "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." So these are my three reasons why the death penalty should be banned due to its numerous violations.

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