Tuesday, October 23, 2007

English: Thank You M'am

Have you ever read a story that keeps you wanting more even when it has already ended? Well if so, we’re in the same predicament. Thank You M’am by Langston Hughes left me wanting more even after it ended. To find out why I think this, keep reading!

This story started off pretty weird and violent but toward the end, everything changed. This story started off with a boy named Roger trying to rob an old woman for her purse. He said he wanted to buy a pair of blue suede shoes. Instead of the older woman fleeing the boy off like a regular person would, Ms. Luella Bates Washington Jones cared for the little boy. For example, she took Roger home and washed his face off. She didn’t just wash his face, she gave him a baptism. From that point on, Roger was a whole new person. Ms. Bates fed this boy and everything. The story started off as the woman and the boy being complete strangers but as the story went on, they started to bond. I thought that the story was going to end differently but it kind of ended off solid. It kept me wondering. The ending to me was kind of happy even though the last line was “then she shut the door.” I think it was happy because the lady had sympathy for the boy although in the beginning he had no sympathy for her. It was also happy because she cleaned him up and led him on to a new start so if he was to mess up, that would be on him.

In conclusion, this story was a good story with a solid, happy ending. It also taught you a lesson but more so in a read-in-between-the-lines kind of way. Although most stories have to have a closed ending for I to be considered a good one, this one was good although it was open ended!!

Sentence Structure-3

I think I improved my essay a bit because of my spelling. My body is a little short!


Ashante said...

Dis jawn crazy hott <3333

Shardeakadede93 said...


khalia said...

ya opening is good